Our supporters:

Our sponsors

Lewes Community Football Club — Support us via sponsorship

Support us via sponsorship

You want ROI? We got ROI, lots of it

Sponsorships are an important form of revenue for us.

But, just as importantly, they are a demonstration of support from like-minded companies. There’s a lot of talk about ‘Brands with purpose’. The brands who support us are very much backing up their words with actions and that makes a huge difference to us and to football more widely.

We are #FansOfChange and we want to work with #BrandsOfChange

If your company wants to help us write history, we’re here and ready to talk.

Stef McLoughlin (Commercial Manager)


Our current sponsors & partners


We turn money
into action.

Your support helps us support our community & grow women's footballl

Here’s a taster of what we do every year, in football, in society, and in our communities, locally, nationally and internationally. All of it, we hope, is a bit of a help towards a better world as well as better football. We’re on a long and exciting journey and your support will be very welcome.