Pod: Author Amy Raphael and A Game of Two Halves (Book, FIVE STARS, BUY!) – Lewes Community Football Club

Pod: Author Amy Raphael and A Game of Two Halves (Book, FIVE STARS, BUY!)

Pod: Author Amy Raphael and A Game of Two Halves (Book, FIVE STARS, BUY!)


We chat with author and journalist Amy Raphael about her brilliant new book A Game of Two Halves – a selection of interviews between famous fans and football legends like Klopp, Bronze, Wrighty, Pep, Gerrard and Miedema… proceeds for which go towards helping refugees via the UN.



…How a book about football relates to the world of refugees

…What Klopp and Pep are like on a Tuesday/Wednesday

…Lucy Bronze, Clare Balding and Vivianne Miedema on what needs to change in the women’s game

…Why tribalism is good (and weird)

…Why Raheem and Gary Lineker are a force for good

…Why women’s football needs to be just normal

…How to organise a decent kickabout
