Keeping Cup to date with sustainability! – Lewes Community Football Club

Keeping Cup to date with sustainability!

Keeping Cup to date with sustainability!

Club news

Written by: Joe

The Lewes community has a strong stance on sustainability, and we at Lewes FC have for some time been concerned about how much football plays a part in excess refuse, contributing to the unsuitability of the town and of football. We have, therefore, implemented new processes to make football more sustainable.

Last year you might remember us trialing the ‘bring your own cup’ discount scheme, which was a success and very much laid the foundations for this next step. We teamed up with Lewes Town Council to deliver a single-use plastic free environment for the 2024/25 season.

Since the launch of these cups in pre-season, we have already saved approximately 5744 single-use plastic cups from entering the Newhaven incinerator.

The emissions from a single-use plastic cup can be from anywhere between 10g to 30g of CO2. Even if we assume the single-use cups we used to provide were on the lower side of this emissions scale, that’s still 57kg less CO2 pumped into the East Sussex atmosphere already.

In money terms, it might only be six boxes of those flimsy plastic cups but that still totals almost £300. The new scheme dramatically reduces the amount of waste heading to the incinerator and the longer-term environmental impact is much more significant.

The move to help rid our town – your town – of single-use plastic is something we can all be proud of. Thank you for jumping on board.

A new cup costs just £1 at the bar. Once you buy that cup – it’s yours! If you choose to take it home, wash it yourself and bring it to the next match, great! You keep the cost of pints low and save another cup’s worth of plastic being thrown away. If you choose to leave the cup with us, the £1 charge becomes a service charge, so we will clean and prep the cup for use at the next game.

Remember, too, that you can still bring your own cup, horrah! Use the one at the back of your cupboard from last year’s Bonfire, or buy a fresh one at our bar. Just make sure the cup has the half-pint measure on it.

We look forward to seeing you soon, and serving a sturdy pint as we continue to pour sustainably.

Lewes FC Reusable Cups FAQs