Club news
Written by: Jack
Voting on our investment proposal opens today!
All active owners will receive an email to vote on the proposal this morning.
You will get the email from Civica Election Services ( with instructions on how to vote.
Please check your spam folder as well so that you don’t miss out on voting.
If someone you know is an active owner and has not received any email regarding the voting, please email
This could be connected to a couple of reasons:
1. Email address used to register for ownership is inactive or unused.
2. They have unsubscribed from receiving emails from the club.
3. The emails have been going to spam and need to be reassigned.
Please ensure issues are raised by the 27th October so that we can resolve them in time to enable all owners to place their vote before 5pm on the 31st October.
We want to ensure that all legitimate owners with an active ownership get a fair opportunity to vote.
Please make sure you vote!