Women's football news

Lewes FC Women are now recruiting for a new elite squad at the U14 age group for next season 2018-19 as well as the existing U18s (Foundation Squad).
There are just 16 places available in each squad and we are looking for the best talent across the whole County, no matter which club side or school you currently play for.
You would be joining the elite player pathway at Lewes FC Women who currently play in the FA Women’s Premier League, but have applied to be in the new FA Women’s Championship.
Application for:
U14s (you will need to be in current school year 7&8)
U18s (you will need to be in current year 11&12)
Please state on your application which team you wish to trial for and highlight the school year you are currently in. We would ideally like you to attend both dates if this is not possible confirm which you are able to attend.
Trials will take place on the Rookery 3G from 8.00 – 9.30pm on Wednesday 20th & 27th June.
Please apply via email to johndonoghue@lewesfc.com using the Subject Line – Lewes FC Women TRIALS
IMPORTANT: In the email, please state:
Full Name
What position(s) do you play?
Date of Birth
Current School Year
Emergency Contact Details Name, phone and email address
Any Illness/conditions or injuries