Community news
Lewes FC Mental Well-Being team were back
in action again recently in the Sussex Disability League as they looked to
defend last year’s title win. Due to the success of the club’s “Football
Therapy” sessions (run in conjunction with mental health charity Together), we have managed to enter two teams
this season, one in the Premiership as previous seasons and one in the Championship.
Football Therapy is a free, drop-in session that runs every Thursday evening between 7-8pm on the Lewes FC 3G all-weather pitch. It is aimed at any adult (male or female) who is going through mental well-being issues of any kind. It’s a very social football session for people of any (or no!) football ability and someone is always on hand for a chat too.
In the recent Disability League matches, both of our Lewes FC MWB teams got off to a good start to the season with Lewes FC MWB Reserves narrowly losing their first
game 1-0 against The Village SDFL Yellows which could have gone both teams’ way.
Their second game was a different story coming up against our friends Lawn Court and our team bouncing back with a thumping 9-0 win with goals coming from Dana Curtis (2)
Ryan Isted (3) Oscar Healey (3) and Mark Harris (1)
The Lewes FC MWB Premiership team were
high scorers too, winning their first game of the season 7-0 against Brighton & Hove Deaf 1st XI with goals from
Dave Lambert (6) and Tim Partridge (1). Their second game against Crawley
United was a much tighter affair, finishing as a 3-2 win for Lewes. Goals came from Dave Lambert (1) Damien Lambert (1) and
Tim partridge (1). So, our 1st XI look like they might be on the right path
to defending their title after taking all 6 points, but along way to
go yet!